Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Suffering and Joy

I have often wondered if the two go hand in hand. My dad has always believed that they do. That somehow, through our suffering, God is able to reach to our furthest depths and hold us closer than ever. Spiritually, this can produce inexplicable joy. Psalm 34:18 says "The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart and saves such as have a contrite spirit."

I received heartbreaking news today from two different people about two different crises. I won't expound on the situations here, but merely meditate on the mystery of suffering and what it means for those who believe in God.

I've just finished a brilliant novel, Island of the World by Michael D. O'Brien, and never before have I looked at suffering the way I do now. Never have I been left with such an aching and a longing to understand why God allows those He loves to suffer. I certainly don't profess to understand, but I do know that having heard what I heard today, I will hold those I love closer to my heart than I have in a long time. And I will continue to cling to God ever more fiercely, so that when suffering does come, I will be open to God's infinite outpouring of love.

Artwork by Michael D. O'Brien,

The author chose to call this piece "Transcendence." It is the cover art for the above mentioned novel. His commentary on this painting reflects upon human nature and the soul's longing for eternity. I'd add that transcending is precisely what suffering drives us to do, especially if we seek God to carry us as He would a bird with wings on the wind.


  1. this week 3 people I know have died tragically and 1 baby was born into my corner of the world,,,out of death comes new life and from life we pass into death ... the pain that's involved in this process never hurts less...but its never a pain with out meaning or purpose even if we are not privy to that meaning or purpose...God knows what needs to be known

  2. I love you. You're so smart, and pretty, you're definitely going to win.

    No but in all seriousness, I love you. A lot.

  3. Thank you Sooz, Rita and Rach...

    Everything is ok, but others I know are suffering. It brought me to think seriously about my own life and how delicate and precious it is.
