Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Oh, for the love of watermelon

Over the years, I've noticed how in any debate between two or more individuals, people often perceive differences in opinion as purposeful personal offences. The Democrat finds the Republican offensive, simply because he's a Republican, and vice versa. Or the Baptist finds the Pentecostal offensive, and vice versa, and so on and so forth.

So I shouldn't be surprised that those who love watermelons find me incredibly offensive. I just hate watermelons. And I am always met with the same reaction: "You don't like watermelons? What is wrong with you?!"

But what is it about watermelons that draws out such powerful emotions, that makes people so defensive? I've never heard anyone defend an apple with the same zeal, or a banana or a strawberry, or any other kind of fruit, for that matter. Watermelon-lovers just seem incredibly passionate about watermelons, and they all seem to believe that everyone should love watermelons with the same intense loyalty. It never occurs to them that anyone would not love watermelons. They go through life believing that they live in a perfect world in which everyone understands that watermelons are wonderful, until one day someone just slaps them in the face for no reason.

I don't suppose I'll ever understand. It's a melon thing, I guess.

Note: similarities have been found between the watermelon-lover and the salmon-lover. Watermelon-lovers are simply more common, but salmon-lovers seem to possess the same propensity for vehement defenses.