Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Good Conversation

Me: I have a germ problem.
Dave: But didn't you just say you were attracted to a guy who had crumbs in his beard?
Me: Yeah but the crumbs didn't touch me!
Dave: Well, they might touch you if you play your cards right.

Rachel: Time travel is possible.
Me: Hahahahahaha.
Rachel: Laugh now, but don't expect a ride in my time machine.

Brian: Are you mad at me?
Me: Yes!
Brian: Why?
Me: Because you said I looked like a member of Led Zeppelin!
Brian: No I didn't!
Me: Yes you did!
Brian: No, no. I distinctly remember saying you looked like Peter Frampton.
Me: That's just as bad!
Brian: How can you say that? Peter Frampton is beautiful!

Me: Look at your beard!
Dad: I know, it's like when arm pit hair goes bad, does drugs, runs away from home and lives on a face.

Giulia: It's weird. With my feet, all of my little fingers are longer than my big one.
Me: Don't you mean toes?
Giulia: Yeah, so what about your feet? Are your little fingers longer?
Me: Toes, you mean.
Giulia: Yeah, so are your little fingers longer than the big one?
Me: Toes! Say toes. Just say it.
Giulia: Toes.
Me: So you were saying?
Giulia: Well your little fingers look shorter.
Me: What is going on?!
Giulia: I don't know!!

Giulia: I found out what the problem was!
Me: What?
Giulia: In Italian, we don't have the word "toes."
Me: What do you call them?
Giulia: Foot fingers!
Me: Oh my gosh.

Me: Dad, you're great.
Dad: I know that. Rebekah, don't waste my time telling me things I already know.

Rachel: I really just want my time machine right now.
Me: Then why don't you start building it?
Rachel: I can't! I have to wait for my future self to come back and show me how!

Me: I really hope I die peacefully in my sleep.
Dad: Really? I just hope you're with your loved ones when the tectonic plates flip and melt us all in molten lava.

Diane: Did you hear the news?
Me: What news?
Diane: They've killed Obama!
Me: WHAT?!
Diane: Osama! I meant Osama!

Rachel: Did you see "Inception"?
Me: Yes!
Rachel: Did you love it?
Me: Yes!!
Rachel: Did you love it better than "Shutter Island"?
Me: I loved it way more.
Rachel: Did you even like "Shutter Island"?

Rachel: I just don't understand how the ancient Mayans could have ever condoned human sacrifice.
Nathan: I'd condone human sacrifice on one condition.
Rachel: What?
Nathan: I'm the one they're sacrificing to.

Rachel: I hate Toopy and Binou.
Me: Yeah, terrible.
Rachel: Like, why did they have to make Toopy gay?
Me: I don't know.
Rachel: I mean, that's fine and everything, but why make a kid's show about a flamboyant mouse who runs around pantless with his little boyfriend?